<html xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><body><h1 align="" class="head">My Country</h1><div class="stanza"><p class="line">THERE is no dearer land in all the world</p><p class="line">Than thee, my country, girded by the sea.</p><p class="line">Where rocks re-echo to the bounding waters hurl'd.</p><p class="line">And all is endless sight and mystery to me.</p><p class="line">The silent distances of hills, replete</p><p class="line">With tideless joy, eternal hope</p><p class="line">Upspringing with the eagle's pennon-beat.</p><p class="line">Free to the airs, with ne'er a tether-rope</p><p class="line">To check its flight.</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">The sky above may weep, and seldom smile.</p><p class="line">And mirky be the frown upon thy brow.</p><p class="line">Yet O! thy mountain woods and endless mile</p><p class="line">Of sea, sing joy unbound, and life, that now</p><p class="line">Expansive breathes the freshness of the free.</p><p class="line">Thy piney airs and salt-sea breezes blown.</p><p class="line">With peaty scent and loamy breath of lea</p><p class="line">Seek out the soul that nowhere else hath known</p><p class="line">The like to thee.</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">There is no dearer land in all the world</p><p class="line">Than thee, my country, girded by the sea.</p><p class="line">'Twere joy to those who bear the flag unfurl'd</p><p class="line">In ruthless strife to keep thine acres free.</p><p class="line">To dip the hand in blood, the face to scar</p><p class="line">With sword of death, that thou unconquered may</p><p class="line">For Freedom stand, the vanquisher of war.</p><p class="line">Chaste guardian of the unprotected way</p><p class="line">To'peace and right.</p></div></body></html>


Part of My Country