<html xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><body><h1 align="" class="head">Lilies</h1><div class="stanza"><p class="line">THE solid world of sense dissolves away;</p><p class="line">The forest swoons; the mountains swing and sway;</p><p class="line">The sea becomes a blue amorphous mist,</p><p class="line">Like vapours of a melted amethyst;</p><p class="line">The whole round globe is as a bubble blown;</p><p class="line">Nothing seems real save your soul alone.</p><p class="line">For through your lucent eyes our dazzled sight</p><p class="line">Espies the glimmer of immortal light;</p><p class="line">And through your eyelid lilies sees enshrined</p><p class="line">The deathless lilies of Eternal Mind,</p><p class="line">And all things seem unreal and true</p><p class="line">Beside the bright apocalypse of you.</p></div></body></html>


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