<html xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><body><h1 align="center" class="head">Ragnarok <br xmlns:exist="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"/><span class="smallcaps">The Twilight OF The Gods</span></h1><p class="byline"> Arthur Guiterman <br xmlns:exist="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"/><span class="smallcaps">IN The Bellman</span>,<span class="smallcaps"> Minneapolis</span><br xmlns:exist="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"/>Permission to reproduce in this book</p><div class="stanza"><p class="line">HO! Heimdal sounds the Gjallar-horn: </p><p class="line">The hosts of Hel rush forth </p><p class="line">And Fenris rages redly </p><p class="line">From his shackles in the North </p><p class="line">Unleashed is Garm, and Lok is loosed, </p><p class="line">And freed is Giant Rime; </p><p class="line">The Rainbow-bridge is broken </p><p class="line">By the hordes of Muspelheim. </p><p class="line">The wild Valkyries ride the wind </p><p class="line">With spear and clanging shield </p><p class="line">Where all the Hates embattled </p><p class="line">Are met on Vigrid-field; </p><p class="line">For there shall fall the Mighty Ones </p><p class="line">By valiant men adored--</p><p class="line">Great Odin, Tyr the fearless, </p><p class="line">And Frey that sold his sword. .</p><p class="line">And Thor shall slay the dragon </p><p class="line">Whose breath shall be his bane. </p><p class="line">The gods themselves shall perish: </p><p class="line">The sons of the gods shall reign!</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">Old Time shall sound the boding horn </p><p class="line">Again and yet again, rouse the warring passions </p><p class="line">That swell the hearts of men. </p><p class="line">Revolt shall wake, and Anarchy, </p><p class="line">With all their horrid throng--</p><p class="line">Revenge, Destruction Rapine,</p><p class="line">The spawn of ancient Wrong, </p><p class="line">With all the hosts of slaughter </p><p class="line">That our own sins must breed-</p><p class="line">Cold Hate, Oppression's daughter, </p><p class="line">And Rage, the child of Greed. </p><p class="line">Then, though we stand to battle </p><p class="line">As men have ever stood, </p><p class="line">Down, down shall crash our temples, </p><p class="line">The Evil and the Good; </p><p class="line">Yea, all that now we cherish </p><p class="line">Must pass--but not in vain. </p><p class="line">The gods we love shall perish; </p><p class="line">The sons of the gods shall reign!</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">So, strong in faith, or weak in doubt, </p><p class="line">Or berserk-mad, we range </p><p class="line">Our spears in that long battle </p><p class="line">Which means not Death, but Change. </p><p class="line">Our highest with our lowest </p><p class="line">Must own the grim behest, </p><p class="line">And Good shall yield for Better--</p><p class="line">Else how should come the Best? </p><p class="line">Yet if we win our portion </p><p class="line">How dare we crave the whole? </p><p class="line">And if we still press forward, </p><p class="line">Why need we know the goal? </p><p class="line">But those whose hearts are constant </p><p class="line">And those whose souls are wise</p><p class="line"> Have said that from our ashes .</p><p class="line">A nobler race shall rise </p><p class="line">From shreds of shattered altars </p><p class="line">To rear the Perfect Fane. </p><p class="line">Our little gods must perish </p><p class="line">That God I himself shall reign!</p></div></body></html>


Part of RagnarokThe Twilight OF The Gods