<html xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><body><h1 align="center" class="head">On His Own</h1><p class="byline"> ADOLPHE E. SMYLIE <br xmlns:exist="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"/><span class="smallcaps">OF The Vigilantes</span><br xmlns:exist="http://exist.sourceforge.net/NS/exist" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"/>Permission to reproduce in this book</p><div class="stanza"><p class="line">"You see that young kid lying there </p><p class="line">Playing a game of solitaire? </p><p class="line">All shot to pieces in the air; </p><p class="line">By Heck, Sarge, he's a wonder. </p><p class="line">The gamest kid I ever met; </p><p class="line">They're probing him for bullets yet, </p><p class="line">But s--sh; here comes his nurse Yvette--</p><p class="line">Kept<em>him</em> from going under.</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">You think she's passing by him? Nit! </p><p class="line">D'you get that smile? He waves his mitt; </p><p class="line">I think he's stuck on her a bit. </p><p class="line">Can't blame him for that matter, </p><p class="line">\She watches him just like a hawk. </p><p class="line">Now listen to their daily talk. </p><p class="line">She's all Farce, he's all New York; </p><p class="line">Sit quiet, hear their chatter."</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">"Pardonnez-moi, désirez-vous----" </p><p class="line">Oh, fine and dandy! How are you?" </p><p class="line">"Quelque chose? Comprenez-vous ?----" </p><p class="line">"Ah now I know you're kiddin'." </p><p class="line">"Vous avez bonne mine aujourd'hui----" </p><p class="line">"It's high time you were nice to me." </p><p class="line">"Time? Je comprends, il est midi----" </p><p class="line">"Bright eyes, I think I'm skiddin'."</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">'Je crois que je vous donnerai----" </p><p class="line">I'll back up anything you say----" </p><p class="line">"Un petit morceau de poulet----"</p><p class="line">"You fascinating creature!"</p><p class="line">"Avec le crême, dans la coquille,----"</p><p class="line">"Rats! There she goes! I always feel </p><p class="line">Some blessy's S. 0. S. appeal </p><p class="line">Will call off my French teacher."</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">The Sarge here nudged my splintered ribs; </p><p class="line">"Well, I'll be damned! Here comes His Nibs!" </p><p class="line">And down the aisle stalked General Gibbs </p><p class="line">With all the famous aces. </p><p class="line">They formed around the sick boy's bed, </p><p class="line">He gasped, saluted, then turned red: </p><p class="line">"Looks like I'm pinched!" was all he said,</p><p class="line">Scanning their smiling faces.</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">"So," spoke the General, "you alone </p><p class="line">Brought down three Taubes on your own! </p><p class="line">Another Yankee Ace is known </p><p class="line">To everyone in Blighty. </p><p class="line">I'm proud to know you,--put it there--,</p><p class="line">And now we're going to let you wear </p><p class="line">This gallantly won Croix de Guerre </p><p class="line">I'm pinning on your nighty." </p></div></body></html>


Part of On His Own