<html xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><body><h1 align="" class="head">Historic Oxford</h1><div class="stanza"><p class="line">AH! Time hath loaded thee with memories</p><p class="line">Processional. What could these piles unfold</p><p class="line">Of war's lost travail, and the wearied cries</p><p class="line">Of vexèd warriors, struggling to hold</p><p class="line">Their hearth secure against proud Norman arms?</p><p class="line">-—And yet the while thy quest was not forgot;</p><p class="line">'Mid war and waste and perilous alarms</p><p class="line">Ever thy purpose stood, and yielded not.</p><p class="line">Noble in faith, gallant in chivalry.</p><p class="line">Thou flung'st a radiant Word to all the land,</p><p class="line">--Pluck'd from the wealth of thy philosophy,</p><p class="line">And to the world upon the breezes strewn;--</p><p class="line">When, great with loyalty, thou didst withstand</p><p class="line">The kingly perjuror in battle brave:</p><p class="line">While England's Lady by the Winter's boon</p><p class="line">Fled from thy peril o'er the frozen wave.</p><p class="line">What need to tell of all thy generous sons?--</p><p class="line">The priestly Theobald, and in his train</p><p class="line">Master Vacarius, mighty in old law,</p><p class="line">And the great multitudes that now remain</p><p class="line">But shadows flitting in dim pageantry</p><p class="line">Across the low-lit stage. In life they saw</p><p class="line">Service of toil and striving for thy gain:</p><p class="line">The Muse's pensioners in death they lie.</p><p class="line">They cherish'd thee through bitter strife and strain</p><p class="line">Faithful. They fought the zealous heretic,</p><p class="line">Rapt Wyclif, zealously to guard their Truth....</p><p class="line">Nor worthy less were they who serv'd the sick</p><p class="line">'Mid hopeless plague, and rifled Nature's store</p><p class="line">To bless mankind: nor who for creed or king</p><p class="line">Chang'd learning's mantle for the arms of war,</p><p class="line">Their lives and treasuries surrendering.</p><p class="line">Martyrs and saints have dower'd thee: one in Truth,</p><p class="line">Old Faith, new Hope, have died to save or mar</p><p class="line">The idols of flown ages; for Truth's sun</p><p class="line">Shines glad alike upon all enterprise</p><p class="line" style="text-indent:%">That in the Father's eyes</p><p class="line">Flatters the fledgling soul till the pure heights be won.</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">These golden memories sit round thy throne--</p><p class="line">They are all thine; and thou art all my own.</p></div></body></html>


Part of Historic Oxford