<html xmlns:tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><body><h1 align="center" class="head">A Chant of Love for England</h1><div class="stanza"><p class="line">A <span class="smallcaps">song</span> of hate is a song of Hell;</p><p class="line">Some there be that sing it well.</p><p class="line">Let them sing it loud and long,</p><p class="line">We lift our hearts in a loftier song:</p><p class="line">We lift our hearts to Heaven above,</p><p class="line">Singing the glory of her we love, --</p><p class="line" style="text-indent:%"><em>England!</em></p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">Glory of thought and glory of deed,</p><p class="line">Glory of Hampden and Runnymede;</p><p class="line">Glory of ships that sought far goals,</p><p class="line">Glory of swords and glory of souls!</p><p class="line">Glory of songs mounting as birds,</p><p class="line">Glory immortal of magical words;</p><p class="line">Glory of Milton, glory of Nelson,</p><p class="line">Tragical glory of Gordon and Scott;</p><p class="line">Glory of Shelley, glory of Sidney,</p><p class="line">Glory transcendent that perishes not, --</p><p class="line">Hers is the story, hers be the glory,</p><p class="line" style="text-indent:%"><em>England!</em></p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">Shatter her beauteous breast ye may;</p><p class="line">The spirit of England none can slay!</p><p class="line">Dash the bomb on the dome of Paul's --</p><p class="line">Deem ye the fame of the Admiral falls?</p><p class="line">Pry the stone from the chancel floor, --</p><p class="line">Dream ye that Shakespeare shall live no more?</p><p class="line">Where is the giant shot that kills</p><p class="line">Wordsworth walking the old green hills?</p><p class="line">Trample the red rose on the ground, --</p><p class="line">Keats is Beauty while earth spins round!</p><p class="line">Bind her, grind her, burn her with fire,</p><p class="line">Cast her ashes into the sea, --</p><p class="line">She shall escape, she shall aspire,</p><p class="line">She shall arise to make men free:</p><p class="line">She shall arise in a sacred scorn,</p><p class="line">Lighting the lives that are yet unborn;</p><p class="line">Spirit supernal, Splendour eternal,</p><p class="line" style="text-indent:%">ENGLAND!</p></div><p class="byline">Helen Gray Cone</p></body></html>


Part of A Chant of Love for England