Lieut. John Richardson."1893-1915Killed in Action


Lieut. John Richardson."
Killed in Action

THINE was no pedant's zeal: the Mother-tongue

Taught thee high dictates of thy Fatherland,

The call no patriot-heart can e'er withstand

Tore thee from lays by ancient poets sung.

Well didst thou learn the lore, to thee endear'd,

Of that young warrior who with dragons fought

And conquer'd-steadfast, selfless, unafear'd

"Better is Death than Life with self-scorn fraught."

Not less thy courage, though thy scholar-soul

Illum'd thy trench with mystic runes-the hope

That solac'd in his plight our oldest ScôÙp

Whose song is wrought on Britain's golden scroll.

No greater meed wouldst thou, no prouder fame:

In "Albion's England" is enshrined thy name!

(The Observer
Lieut. John Richardson."1893-1915Killed in Action
<html xmlns:tei=""><body><h1 align="center" class="head">Lieut. John Richardson."<br xmlns:exist="" xmlns:html=""/><span class="smallcaps">1893-1915<br xmlns:exist="" xmlns:html=""/> Killed in Action</span></h1><div class="stanza"><p class="line">THINE was no pedant's zeal: the Mother-tongue</p><p class="line">Taught thee high dictates of thy Fatherland, </p><p class="line">The call no patriot-heart can e'er withstand </p><p class="line">Tore thee from lays by ancient poets sung. </p><p class="line">Well didst thou learn the lore, to thee endear'd, </p><p class="line">Of that young warrior who with dragons fought </p><p class="line">And conquer'd-steadfast, selfless, unafear'd</p><p class="line">"Better is Death than Life with self-scorn fraught."</p></div><div class="stanza"><p class="line">Not less thy courage, though thy scholar-soul </p><p class="line">Illum'd thy trench with mystic runes-the hope </p><p class="line">That solac'd in his plight our oldest ScôÙp </p><p class="line">Whose song is wrought on Britain's golden scroll. </p><p class="line">No greater meed wouldst thou, no prouder fame: </p><p class="line">In "Albion's England" is enshrined thy name!</p></div><p class="byline">I. Gollancz.<br xmlns:exist="" xmlns:html=""/> King's College, London</p>(The <em>Observer</em></body></html>