Ghosts at Boulogne


Ghosts at Boulogne

One dreamer, when our English soldiers trod

But yesterday the welcoming fields of France,

Saw war-gaunt shadows gathering stare askance

Upon those levies and that alien sod --

Saw Churchill's smile, and Wellington's curt nod

Saw Harry with his Crispins, Chandos' lance

And the Edwards on whose breasts the leopards dance:

Then heard a gust of ghostly thanks to God

That the most famous quarrel of all time

In the most famous friendship ends at last;

Such flame of friendship as God fans to forge

A sword to strike the Dragon of the Slime,

Bidding St. Denis with St. George stand fast

Against the Worm. St. Denis and St. George!

Daily Chronicle, August 30, 1914
Ghosts at Boulogne