IN The Scoop, The Chicago Press Club's Magazine
STILL breaks the Holy morn, to soothe the care
And labor of the world; hushed is the grove,
And overhead the vireo's note of love
Floats like a joyful utterance of prayer.
Soft insect murmurs fill the enchanted air.
Into a fairer day earth seems to move,
And statelier thoughts lift mortal sense above
Life's sin and pain; the sorrow and despair.
But hark! where now the noonday beams are shed
In sorrowing Europe, trembles a sound
Of thunder, and the land with dews of blood
Is drenched; while o'er the dying and the dead
Fate turns to weep o'er every pleading wound--
Can earth o'ercome the evil with the good?
But yesterday two monarchs, held in check
Like bloodhounds in the leash, broke forth before
The eyes of Christendom, and in the roar
Of lurid conflict heard not the wild shriek
Of outraged millions--now again the wreck
Of crushed humanity must strew death's shore
With ghastly ruin crying evermore,
"Shame! Wretch of mortal form and vulture's beak--
To ask God's aid and Christ's! 0, hour of woe!
Cover, O night of ages, the dread birth
Of man's Imperial hate! Let kings go down
That peoples way aspire and live and own
A holier stature, and this crimsoned earth
Drink the pure light of Freedom's afterglow!"