To a Son of Wales[Owen Pritchard, Esq., M.D.]


To a Son of Wales
[Owen Pritchard, Esq., M.D.]

SINCE first I saw your mountains long ago,

Dark behind Conway's or Carnarvon's hold,

I have watched the Alps put on their evening gold,

And morning kindle peaks of Afric snow;

I have crossed Niagara's flood and Delaware's flow,

And loitered 'midst Italian vinelands old,

And visited isles which the far deeps enfold,

Where Spain is ashes and a sunset-glow.

But lovely as in youth are yet to me

Mona's bleak fields and Glaslyn's torrent wave;

And dearer now than ever their wild charm,

When hardy Wales pours forth her children free,

Hungering to aid her ancient Conqueror's arm

Lest Freedom's self reel to a blood-red grave.

To a Son of Wales[Owen Pritchard, Esq., M.D.]
Item sets
The Man Who Saw