THY love is all about me like the loveliness
Of Earth when she puts by the veiling of the snow
And all her beauty of ploughed and fallow, ochre and red,
Nourishes me anew. Thy love is all about me,
More intimately near my spirit than the flesh
Wherein I live and move and have my daily being.
For only in the enabling presence of thy love
I can become myself, that else with alien speech
Hear myself strangely utter fancies foreign to me.
Within thy love my spirit is confident, at home
As I was never yet in mind or body of mine;
For thou embracest me with that which is not strange
To my imprisoned spirit, bewildered in the mesh
Of this incomprehensible, this unfamiliar world,
That by the magic of thy love is changed for me
Into a welcoming presence, friendly and wonderful.